Kounia bella
Dodekanisos seaways
Blue Star Ferries

Επισκέπτες αυτή τη στιγμή:

Λεπτομέρειες Αγώνα Περιόδου 2023-2024
Β Κατηγορία 1ος Όμιλος
13η Αγωνιστική


1 - 2

Διακύμανση Αποτελέσματος

Error in query: SELECT participation.playerID as player_id, player_team.teamID as playerTeam_id, CONCAT(surname, ' ', name) as onomateponimo, birthdate, (SELECT YEAR(startDate) FROM period WHERE periodID = '11') - birthdate as age, CONCAT(( SELECT minute FROM substitution WHERE substitution.playerOutID = participation.playerID AND gameID = '19626' ), '\'') as minuteOut, CONCAT(( SELECT minute FROM substitution WHERE substitution.playerInID = participation.playerID AND gameID = '19626' ), '\'') as minuteIn FROM game, participation, player, player_team WHERE game.gameID = participation.gameID AND participation.playerID = player.playerID AND player.playerID = player_team.playerID AND game.gameID = '19626' AND player_team.teamID = '36' AND player_team.periodID = '11' AND player_team.date_from <= '2024-02-17' AND player_team.date_to >= '2024-02-17' AND started = '1' ORDER BY started DESC, participationID.